Only the toughest of sales people have thick enough skins to endure the process of constant rejection.
Hunters see rejection as a necessary process they must go through in order to make a sale.
Hunters make the following statements about network marketing:
“Hey, this business is just a numbers game.”
“You have to approach 100 people to find 1 who will say yes.”
“Every no brings you closer to a yes.”
“Use the 3-foot rule and talk to anyone that comes within 3 feet of you.”
“Prospects are everywhere. Talk to everyone you meet.”
“You have to go a through a lot of duds to find a stud.”
“Call them until they buy or until they die.”
“You just drag ‘em and I’ll bag ‘em and tag ‘em.” “If it is to be, it’s up to me.”
“Just make a list of everybody you know.”
“Some will, some won’t, so what, someone else is waiting, next!”
If you say any of the above things, guess what? You’re a hunter!
If you are a hunter personality, you may love selling and the rejection that comes along with it, but the majority of people in your organization will not.
This is why hunting systems don’t work for the fishers. High rejection is not something most people want to duplicate.
© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.