How MLM Superstars Turn The MLM Prospecting Game Into A Profitable Cash-Producing Machine That Guarantees They Get Paid Thousands of Dollars Monthly Whether People Join Their Favorite MLM Opportunity or Not.
MLM Superstars make money selling generic solutions while doing prospecting to find people who may be interested in joining their favorite MLM opportunity.
The majority of MLM distributors fail to make money during the prospecting process and end up losing money trying to advertise their MLM company's opportunity and products.
MLM Superstars understand that prospecting is just like a business game and they set up the rules of the game so they always WIN!
MLM Superstars have figured out a strategy to erase all of their advertising costs so they get unlimited free advertising, generate endless amounts of free leads, create a highly qualified list of eager opportunity buyers, and get paid $10,000; $20,000; to $50,000 monthly (or more) in extra cash flow deposited into their bank accounts on a regular monthly basis, while they slowly build long-term monthly residual income with their favorite MLM business opportunity.
How do they accomplish all this? It's a simple answer, really.
MLM Superstars DON'T advertise their favorite MLM opportunity upfront. The buying public will generally not even know what specific MLM opportunity the MLM Superstar is promoting.
So, you ask, what exactly DO they advertise?
MLM Superstars understand the laws of supply and demand really well, so they use the law of supply and demand to make the most money possible by selling a generic MLM solution, such as a MLM lead system, MLM advertising system, MLM postcard marketing system, MLM sponsoring system, MLM information products (such as training CDs, DVDs, books, ebooks, seminars, workshops).
Let me explain.
I explained earlier that there are millions of people looking for information about a home-based business every month.
Now, think of supply and demand.
If you KNOW that millions of people are looking for information on starting up a home-based business, or
becoming more successful in their existing one, what do you think would be more in demand each month?
1. Information about a MLM company that sells a new weight-loss product?
2. Information about a MLM lead system, MLM marketing system, MLM postcard marketing system, or information products on achieving greater success in MLM?
Again, think like a business person here and tell me what would be MORE in DEMAND by millions of people looking for information on a home-based business each month.
IF you answered #2, you're correct.
But a big reason why so many MLM distributors fail, or struggle to make money, is that they are working hard at #1, going about advertising and promoting their favorite MLM opportunity upfront and promoting their juice, weight loss, electronics, legal service, health and wellness, or environmentally safe household products, etc., to the millions of people looking for information about starting a home-based business each month.
When you work with the law of supply and demand instead of working against it, you place yourself in a position where there is a higher probability of making a substantial income much faster.
© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.