Thursday, December 14, 2017

MLM Prospecting For Profits Part 3


How MLM Superstars Get Unlimited Free Leads and Cash To Build ANY MLM Opportunity They Choose.

MLM Superstars use an advertising method called self- financing advertising, revenue-positive advertising, or MLM funded proposal advertising to erase, or zero out, their advertising costs so that they generate unlimited free leads and cash.

While the MLM industry uses the phrase MLM funded proposal a lot, I prefer to call it self-financing advertising because self-financing describes the process more accurately.

MLM Superstars don't advertise their favorite MLM opportunity upfront, because they already know that most people will say no to their MLM opportunity anyway.

MLM Superstars know they will get many more people to buy a generic MLM success CD, DVD, book, ebook or video training on how to be successful in MLM.

Instead of advertising their favorite MLM opportunity with a lower probability of success, the MLM Superstar follows the law of supply and demand to give more people what they already want -- some ideas, tips, strategies and methods for becoming a MLM success and have a higher probability of making money.

Here is a step by step example of how self-financing advertising works:

The MLM Superstar places a 4-line advertisement for a generic $397 MLM training course in the weekend edition of USA Today for a $400 ad cost.

The ad reads:

The Insider Secrets to Growing Your MLM Downline. Call 24 hour recorded message 1-800-000-0000 or visit online at

The MLM Superstar gets a total of 30 people to respond to the advertisement.

Out of the 30 people who responded, 25% of the people (10 people) buy the course which sells for $397.

10 sales x $397 = $3,970.

Selling the MLM training course has no direct relation to the MLM Superstars' favorite MLM opportunity, however, the MLM Superstar still pulled in $3,970 in gross sales over the weekend.
If the MLM Superstar just advertised his or her favorite MLM opportunity in USA Today, there is a slim chance that they would have earned $3,970 that weekend.

$3,970 - $400 ad cost = $3,570

With $3,570 in cash, how much did the MLM Superstar's ad really cost?


This is what is meant by Self-Financing Advertising, Revenue-Positive Advertising, or MLM Funded Proposal Advertising.
1. Advertise a generic solution
2. Get people to buy the generic solution
3. The generic solution sale pays for the advertising.
4. The profits from the sale erases the ad cost.
5. There are hundreds or thousands in profits left.

The MLM Superstar did NOT advertise their favorite MLM opportunity at all.

By advertising a 100% generic solution that everyone in the MLM industry would be interested in buying, or a generic solution that people looking to start a home-based business would be interested in buying, the MLM Superstar taps into the law of supply and demand.

There is certainly much more demand for a MLM training course compared to the demand for a MLM company opportunity or product.

But there's more.

The MLM Superstar generated 30 leads from the ad too. How much did the MLM Superstar pay for the 30 leads? Again, nothing.



Now that the MLM Superstar earned $3,570 from one weekend ad in USA Today, he or she can keep on running the same ad at a zero cost, generate free leads weekly, and get paid thousands of dollars in cash flow weekly.

Now you know why the MLM Superstars don't teach this stuff openly. They want to keep this insider self-financing advertising secret, well... a secret!

$3,570 a week times 52 weeks in a year = $185,640 a year in extra cash flow for the MLM Superstar.

And yet, there's more.

Remember, the MLM Superstar generated 10 sales a week that produced all this money in the first place.
10 customers a week x 52 weeks = 520 buyers a year!

On my site here at I have addressed the topic of MLM opportunity buyers and how you can rent the names and addresses of people who buy business opportunities or buy business opportunity related information products. These are some of the hottest names you can ever mail your MLM offer to.

Except in this example, the MLM Superstar is actually creating his or her own, home-grown, business opportunity

buyers list from making 10 sales a week or 520 opportunity buyers a year.

When a MLM Superstar decides to promote their favorite MLM opportunity later on in the back-end marketing process, who do you think they would market to first?


Their own customer list of opportunity buyers, which in my example, the MLM Superstar has ALSO generated at ZERO cost!
This is WHY MLM Superstars focus on selling a 100% generic MLM solution upfront to the masses.
However, let's continue on with this example.

Let's say that this MLM Superstar places the same ad in a total of only 5 weekend newspapers and the results are about the same or greater.

5 ads x $400 weekly = $2,000.

Where, oh where, would they ever get $2,000 to place 5 ads?


From the $3,570 profit they made placing one ad.
$3,570 x 5 weekend ads = $17,850 a week

$17,850 x 52 weeks = $928,200 a year

10 sales x 5 weekend ads = 50 customers a week 50 customers x 52 weeks = 2,600 customers a year

30 leads x 5 weekend ads = 150 free leads a week 150 leads x 52 weeks = 7,800 leads a year

Is this a MLM business? Oh no, good buddy.

This is not MLM.

This is just good old fashioned direct marketing.

This is simply money from selling TOOLS to the MLM gold miners, my friend. Nothing more.

The MLM Superstar in this example is getting thousands of dollars a year in advertising at zero cost, generating 7,800 free leads a year, earning $928,200 a year in extra cash flow to build his or her favorite MLM opportunity, and generating 2,600 hot opportunity buyers of their own to introduce to their favorite MLM opportunity.

This is how MLM Superstars THINK. This is the MLM Superstar MINDSET.

This is why the MLM Superstar becomes rich while the ordinary, everyday, little MLM distributor is out their talking to family and friends, and putting up corner street signs trying to promote his or her MLM weight loss opportunity.

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.