Most people feel uncomfortable with public speaking and being out front in a leadership capacity.
Also, most people in network marketing have never been business owners or entrepreneurs.
They are employees and still have an employee mind set. A network marketing business is largely a part-time business for the majority of the people.
When people join your network marketing business, they will only have “x” number of hours that they can dedicate to their businesses each week.
Most people will not have the skills, time, or desire to become great presenters and speakers.
They will not feel comfortable getting up in front of the room making a presentation.
Many fishers are introverts, or have shy, quiet personalities.
No matter how much training you put them through, you are working against the grain of human nature if you think you’re going to turn them into hunters.
If people don’t think they can DO exactly what you did, your system will not duplicate.
If people don’t think they have the TIME to do exactly what you did, your system will not duplicate.
If people are not WILLING to do exactly what you did, your system will not duplicate.
© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.