Thursday, December 14, 2017

MLM Prospecting For Profits Part 3


How MLM Superstars Get Unlimited Free Leads and Cash To Build ANY MLM Opportunity They Choose.

MLM Superstars use an advertising method called self- financing advertising, revenue-positive advertising, or MLM funded proposal advertising to erase, or zero out, their advertising costs so that they generate unlimited free leads and cash.

While the MLM industry uses the phrase MLM funded proposal a lot, I prefer to call it self-financing advertising because self-financing describes the process more accurately.

MLM Superstars don't advertise their favorite MLM opportunity upfront, because they already know that most people will say no to their MLM opportunity anyway.

MLM Superstars know they will get many more people to buy a generic MLM success CD, DVD, book, ebook or video training on how to be successful in MLM.

Instead of advertising their favorite MLM opportunity with a lower probability of success, the MLM Superstar follows the law of supply and demand to give more people what they already want -- some ideas, tips, strategies and methods for becoming a MLM success and have a higher probability of making money.

Here is a step by step example of how self-financing advertising works:

The MLM Superstar places a 4-line advertisement for a generic $397 MLM training course in the weekend edition of USA Today for a $400 ad cost.

The ad reads:

The Insider Secrets to Growing Your MLM Downline. Call 24 hour recorded message 1-800-000-0000 or visit online at

The MLM Superstar gets a total of 30 people to respond to the advertisement.

Out of the 30 people who responded, 25% of the people (10 people) buy the course which sells for $397.

10 sales x $397 = $3,970.

Selling the MLM training course has no direct relation to the MLM Superstars' favorite MLM opportunity, however, the MLM Superstar still pulled in $3,970 in gross sales over the weekend.
If the MLM Superstar just advertised his or her favorite MLM opportunity in USA Today, there is a slim chance that they would have earned $3,970 that weekend.

$3,970 - $400 ad cost = $3,570

With $3,570 in cash, how much did the MLM Superstar's ad really cost?


This is what is meant by Self-Financing Advertising, Revenue-Positive Advertising, or MLM Funded Proposal Advertising.
1. Advertise a generic solution
2. Get people to buy the generic solution
3. The generic solution sale pays for the advertising.
4. The profits from the sale erases the ad cost.
5. There are hundreds or thousands in profits left.

The MLM Superstar did NOT advertise their favorite MLM opportunity at all.

By advertising a 100% generic solution that everyone in the MLM industry would be interested in buying, or a generic solution that people looking to start a home-based business would be interested in buying, the MLM Superstar taps into the law of supply and demand.

There is certainly much more demand for a MLM training course compared to the demand for a MLM company opportunity or product.

But there's more.

The MLM Superstar generated 30 leads from the ad too. How much did the MLM Superstar pay for the 30 leads? Again, nothing.



Now that the MLM Superstar earned $3,570 from one weekend ad in USA Today, he or she can keep on running the same ad at a zero cost, generate free leads weekly, and get paid thousands of dollars in cash flow weekly.

Now you know why the MLM Superstars don't teach this stuff openly. They want to keep this insider self-financing advertising secret, well... a secret!

$3,570 a week times 52 weeks in a year = $185,640 a year in extra cash flow for the MLM Superstar.

And yet, there's more.

Remember, the MLM Superstar generated 10 sales a week that produced all this money in the first place.
10 customers a week x 52 weeks = 520 buyers a year!

On my site here at I have addressed the topic of MLM opportunity buyers and how you can rent the names and addresses of people who buy business opportunities or buy business opportunity related information products. These are some of the hottest names you can ever mail your MLM offer to.

Except in this example, the MLM Superstar is actually creating his or her own, home-grown, business opportunity

buyers list from making 10 sales a week or 520 opportunity buyers a year.

When a MLM Superstar decides to promote their favorite MLM opportunity later on in the back-end marketing process, who do you think they would market to first?


Their own customer list of opportunity buyers, which in my example, the MLM Superstar has ALSO generated at ZERO cost!
This is WHY MLM Superstars focus on selling a 100% generic MLM solution upfront to the masses.
However, let's continue on with this example.

Let's say that this MLM Superstar places the same ad in a total of only 5 weekend newspapers and the results are about the same or greater.

5 ads x $400 weekly = $2,000.

Where, oh where, would they ever get $2,000 to place 5 ads?


From the $3,570 profit they made placing one ad.
$3,570 x 5 weekend ads = $17,850 a week

$17,850 x 52 weeks = $928,200 a year

10 sales x 5 weekend ads = 50 customers a week 50 customers x 52 weeks = 2,600 customers a year

30 leads x 5 weekend ads = 150 free leads a week 150 leads x 52 weeks = 7,800 leads a year

Is this a MLM business? Oh no, good buddy.

This is not MLM.

This is just good old fashioned direct marketing.

This is simply money from selling TOOLS to the MLM gold miners, my friend. Nothing more.

The MLM Superstar in this example is getting thousands of dollars a year in advertising at zero cost, generating 7,800 free leads a year, earning $928,200 a year in extra cash flow to build his or her favorite MLM opportunity, and generating 2,600 hot opportunity buyers of their own to introduce to their favorite MLM opportunity.

This is how MLM Superstars THINK. This is the MLM Superstar MINDSET.

This is why the MLM Superstar becomes rich while the ordinary, everyday, little MLM distributor is out their talking to family and friends, and putting up corner street signs trying to promote his or her MLM weight loss opportunity.

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.

MLM Prospecting For Profits Part 2


How MLM Superstars Turn The MLM Prospecting Game Into A Profitable Cash-Producing Machine That Guarantees They Get Paid Thousands of Dollars Monthly Whether People Join Their Favorite MLM Opportunity or Not.

MLM Superstars make money selling generic solutions while doing prospecting to find people who may be interested in joining their favorite MLM opportunity.

The majority of MLM distributors fail to make money during the prospecting process and end up losing money trying to advertise their MLM company's opportunity and products.

MLM Superstars understand that prospecting is just like a business game and they set up the rules of the game so they always WIN!

MLM Superstars have figured out a strategy to erase all of their advertising costs so they get unlimited free advertising, generate endless amounts of free leads, create a highly qualified list of eager opportunity buyers, and get paid $10,000; $20,000; to $50,000 monthly (or more) in extra cash flow deposited into their bank accounts on a regular monthly basis, while they slowly build long-term monthly residual income with their favorite MLM business opportunity.

How do they accomplish all this? It's a simple answer, really.

MLM Superstars DON'T advertise their favorite MLM opportunity upfront. The buying public will generally not even know what specific MLM opportunity the MLM Superstar is promoting.

So, you ask, what exactly DO they advertise?

MLM Superstars understand the laws of supply and demand really well, so they use the law of supply and demand to make the most money possible by selling a generic MLM solution, such as a MLM lead system, MLM advertising system, MLM postcard marketing system, MLM sponsoring system, MLM information products (such as training CDs, DVDs, books, ebooks, seminars, workshops).

Let me explain.

I explained earlier that there are millions of people looking for information about a home-based business every month.

Now, think of supply and demand.

If you KNOW that millions of people are looking for information on starting up a home-based business, or

becoming more successful in their existing one, what do you think would be more in demand each month?

1. Information about a MLM company that sells a new weight-loss product?


2. Information about a MLM lead system, MLM marketing system, MLM postcard marketing system, or information products on achieving greater success in MLM?

Again, think like a business person here and tell me what would be MORE in DEMAND by millions of people looking for information on a home-based business each month.

IF you answered #2, you're correct.

But a big reason why so many MLM distributors fail, or struggle to make money, is that they are working hard at #1, going about advertising and promoting their favorite MLM opportunity upfront and promoting their juice, weight loss, electronics, legal service, health and wellness, or environmentally safe household products, etc., to the millions of people looking for information about starting a home-based business each month.

When you work with the law of supply and demand instead of working against it, you place yourself in a position where there is a higher probability of making a substantial income much faster.

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.

MLM Prospecting For Profits Part 1




What Jealously-Guarded MLM Sponsoring Secrets Do MLM Superstars Know That You Don't?

Once you come to understand THE MLM GOLD RUSH on my site, you will know why MLM Superstars go about doing MLM sponsoring very differently than the majority of MLM distributors.

I encourage you to read and seriously think about what I have written in the THE MLM GOLD RUSH and then come back and continue reading PROSPECTING FOR PROFITS.

Okay. Let's continue.

You don't have to BE a MLM Superstar for you to copy their secrets.

In fact, I know many MLM Superstars who just started using the methods when they were not MLM Superstars themselves.

They just got started using MLM Superstar methods and they started earning substantial incomes almost overnight.

You may not know that many MLM Superstars failed in several MLM opportunities, even 5 to 10 MLM

Opportunities, before they found the road to success by copying the methods of the MLM Superstars.

They didn't seek approval to start using them. They didn't wait until they were famous.
They didn't wait until they were a millionaire.

They didn't wait for anything. They didn't have excuses.
They just took action and got it going.

Next thing they knew, they too, were a MLM Superstar. The methods are not complicated.
Actually, the steps are very easy to follow.

All it takes is a simple change in the way you go about sponsoring people into your MLM business.

You must learn to THINK like a MLM Superstar and develop a MLM Superstar MINDSET before you can become one and earn a high six-figure or seven-figure annual income the way MLM Superstars do.

MLM Superstar Mindset Principle #1

MLM Superstars know that there are millions of people in any given month that are looking for information about starting a home-based business.

MLM Superstar Mindset Principle #2

MLM Superstars also know that there are millions of MLM distributors who are already involved in over 1,000 different MLM companies.

MLM Superstar Mindset Principle #3

MLM Superstars realize that everyone will not be interested in joining their favorite MLM opportunity. In fact, they realize that most people will say NO to their favorite opportunity and if they try to promote their primary MLM business upfront they will have a lower probability of making money.

MLM Superstar Mindset Principle #4

MLM Superstars understand the secret to earning a million dollar income is using the law of supply and demand to their benefit. They know that by giving people what they want, and what is already in demand by the masses, they will have a higher probability of earning a million dollar income.

MLM Superstar Mindset Principle #5

MLM Superstars don't fall in love with a MLM business opportunity. Actually, MLM Superstars are not spending most of their time doing the MLM side of the business.
They are spending most of their time in the "marketing" business.

Most regular MLM distributors are so in love with their favorite MLM opportunity, product, service, compensation plan, company leaders, and so on, that they don't come to understand the truth of the matter, and that is -- most other people don't care about their favorite MLM opportunity.

Once you come to swallow your pride and accept this, you can go on to think like a MLM Superstar.

MLM Superstar Mindset Principle #6

MLM Superstars are good business strategists and place themselves in a position where they can get a higher percentage of the millions of people who are looking to join a home business to say yes.

MLM Superstars know that it is many times MORE profitable to offer a generic solution first, such as a generic tool, product, service or information that can be used by ANY MLM distributor involved with ANY MLM company to help them become successful in their existing MLM opportunity; or to help ANYONE who is looking to join a home business to become successful.

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Mail And Grow Rich

Direct Mail is the #1 Advertising Method 

Have you ever stopped to think why direct mail has been consistently used for more than 100 years to build great wealth for business owners and entrepreneurs?
In a survey reported by Advertising Age, the direct marketing industry’s trade publication, it stated that direct mail marketing creates more profit than TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and Internet marketing... combined!

Postcard Marketing is also the #1 Direct Mail Method

Why postcards?

They are cheaper to mail.  They get delivered.  They get read.  They have greater advertising exposure. They produce higher response rates.  They are much more effective in driving highly targeted traffic to your website than complicated online methods. They require no envelopes. Just stick on your mailing label and stamp and drop them in the mail. Billion Dollar Companies Use Direct Mail Have you ever wondered why multi-billion-dollar companies like Yahoo!, AT&T, Sony, Microsoft, major banks, credit card companies, retailers and many more all use direct mail? (hint... because it works). Billions a year in sales and profits are generated by direct mail.

Success Stories from Ordinary People Who Use Direct Mail

Thousands of everyday people have earned fortunes using the mail. Here are just a few examples.

Vincent James, at the age of 28 years old, earned $100 million in 2 years using direct mail to sell vitamin supplements.

T.J. Rohleder, from a small town in Kansas, used direct mail to earn over $100 million selling information. 

Benjamin Suarez used direct mail to earn over $100 million selling computer repair information and services. 

Okay, I think you get the idea.  Direct mail has been used by every day, ordinary people to create small and large fortunes consistently for over 100 years.

You Can Build a Network Marketing Business Using Direct Mail

Many people have successfully used direct mail to earn millions of dollars in network marketing.

Here are a few examples:

Case #1:  In the book “How A Shy Guy Like Me Earned Over $1 Million in Network Marketing Without Selling, Phone Calls, Meetings or Any of that Other Stuff That Nobody Wants to Do”, network marketing millionaire, Joe Brown, reveals that he built a downline of 160,000 distributors 100% by mail.

Case #2: In the December 2003 issue of Home Business Connection Magazine, it   features   the   cover   story   about   network   marketing millionaire, Doran Andrey: “$1,000,000 In One Month –With a Second Chance and Proven System”, discussing how he used mail order marketing system for shy, quiet people to build a network marketing fortune for him and many others.

You Can Learn to Mail and Grow Rich

You, or anyone, can put the money-making power of direct mail to work for you, but most people don't have a clue about what it takes to build a direct mail marketing system or even what to sell.  It can be very expensive to get involved in direct mail for the average person and you could spend years and lots of money trying to test and figure everything out all on your own.

The 4 Step Marketing System has solved this by creating an exact method marketing system that can be easily duplicated by anyone. By joining the team, all of the work has been done for you, so that the only thing you need do is simply plug into system and mail postcards to build a monthly residual income that grows each month whether you work or not.

Can You Follow a Simple System?

Maybe you’ve tried about every business opportunity there is, but the amazing thing about the 4 Step Marketing Systemic how simple it is. It's based on simple mathematics and sound business principles that are used by successful billion-dollar companies.

It Takes Less Than 37 Minutes a Day

You will not become a millionaire overnight or anything like that, but you can build a part-time or full-time income mailing postcards from home working less than 37 minutes a day.

Then, all you have to do is keep mailing and you can continue to build your income higher and higher.  The real secret is, once you start making money, if you re-invest by mailing even more post cards it'll make you rich.

Mailing 10 Postcards a Day Brings Freedom Your Way

In less time than it takes to watch your favorite 30-minute TV show, you can label and stamp 10 postcards and do everything it takes to create multiple streams of residual monthly income.

Marketing Formula = Direct Mail + Recorded Messages + Internet Marketing X Network Marketing

The 4 Step Marketing System combines the power of direct mail postcards, 24 hour recorded messages and automated internet marketing, multiplied by the leverage of network marketing to create a money-making system that can be duplicated by anyone.

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.

Monday, December 11, 2017

The Power of Direct Mail

Did you know that direct mail makes more money for businesses than all other marketing methods combined?

Yep. Combined.

Now, I realize that may surprise you, but that comes straight from the Direct Marketing Association's annual reports.

In fact, in 2016, the DMA's report showed that direct mail resulted in 600% more response than all other marketing channels combined, and 1000% more than email marketing alone.

Have you ever wondered why billion dollar companies are still sending you direct mail?

Are you still getting bills in the mail? Why?

Sure, you can choose to get some of your bills delivered online, but I bet you that you're still getting some bills by mail, or other advertisements by mail. Right?

Direct Mail has a very high deliverability rate, in the 98% range for delivered mail.

Now, compare that email, which has a very low deliverability rate, and also a very low open rate, since there's so many emails and spam happening in the email inboxes.

Here's what you don't know.

Most of today's big internet marketing gurus are using good old-fashioned direct mail combined with online marketing, called hybrid marketing (merging offline direct mail and online together), or integrated marketing.

There is ONE huge advantage that you have with direct mail that you don't have with other marketing channels, and that is being able to reach proven buyers through direct mail lists of existing customers/buyers -- people who are already buying the products and services you are trying to sell.

What I just told you is a huge secret.

The easiest selling you can EVER do is to sell to people who are already buying what you are selling, and don't have to be sold on why your product is a great idea, because they are already buying it.

You can't target or reach known buyers by advertising via TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or other social media. Nope. You can't target known buyers doing any of those.

But, my marketing friend, you can reach proven, known buyers of products, services, information, opportunities -- all day long -- by renting the direct mail lists of other companies, who want to rent you their direct mail customer lists.

All you have to do is simply get a list of people who are already buying what you are selling, and deliver your sales message to this buyer's market, and direct them to order by mail, phone, fax or website.

Sounds simple, right?

Sure, you'll have to do something testing with this direct mail process, but once you have a proven test that is profitable, you can roll it out in a big way and make a serious income.

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.

Monday, November 27, 2017

A Solution for the Fishers

The Secrets of Customer Attraction

Most people feel uncomfortable with public speaking and being out front in a leadership capacity.

Also, most people in network marketing have never been business owners or entrepreneurs.

They are employees and still have an employee mind set. A network marketing business is largely a part-time business for the majority of the people.

When people join your network marketing business, they will only have “x” number of hours that they can dedicate to their businesses each week.

Most people will not have the skills, time, or desire to become great presenters and speakers.

They will not feel comfortable getting up in front of the room making a presentation.

Many fishers are introverts, or have shy, quiet personalities.

No matter how much training you put them through, you are working against the grain of human nature if you think you’re going to turn them into hunters.

If people don’t think they can DO exactly what you did, your system will not duplicate.

If people don’t think they have the TIME to do exactly what you did, your system will not duplicate.

If people are not WILLING to do exactly what you did, your system will not duplicate.

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.

The Power of Duplication

The Secrets of Customer Attraction

You can not maximize your earnings with your compensation plan unless you have a duplicable, step-by- step system that everyone can do.

The problem is not finding what works, but what duplicates.

McDonald’s has 27,000 restaurants worldwide producing $40 BILLION a year for the corporation.

Who are the majority of people operating McDonald’s restaurants around the globe?

Experienced business people?

No… mostly young unskilled teenagers.

What’s the secret behind their international success?

McDonald’s doesn’t teach kids to become great cooks, or how to sell the meal packages, or even how to count change for their customers.

They teach the kids which buttons to push.

They have developed a systematic, Push-Button Operation and this is why nearly anyone with little or no skills can work there, because the system isn’t based upon the skills of the people working the system.

This Push Button Operation duplicates through 27,000 restaurants “exactly” the same way.
The result is $40 billion a year.

What if you could apply a “franchise-like” system of operations to your network marketing business?

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.

Collapsing Time Frames

The Secrets of Customer Attraction

Timing is everything in a sales organization.

If the distributors in your organization don’t make money, the chances of them staying long enough to succeed are very small.


Collapsing the time frame it takes for distributors to duplicate “exactly” what you do helps them make money faster and increases retention.
With hunting systems, it could take 90 days or more for a new distributor to learn all of the skills necessary to duplicate the same steps, if they are even around for that long.

What if you could collapse the time frame for duplication from 90 days to just one month?
What kind of effect would that have on the growth of your network marketing business?
Better still, what if you could collapse the time frame of duplication from one month down to one week?
Imagine how that would speed up the growth of your organization.

This means that someone receiving your postcard in the mail on Monday can duplicate what you did in just a few days.

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.

You Must Have a Regular Monthly Supply of Interested Prospects

The Secrets of Customer Attraction

You must have a regular monthly supply of interested prospects.

The hunters have a good point in saying that network marketing is a numbers game, but most people in your organization will not have a dependable way to increase the numbers of people they contact each month.

Hunters think that “increasing the numbers” mean seeing more people face to face.
This makes it difficult to increase the numbers of people they talk to since there are only so many hours in a day.

If you mail 10 postcards a day, in 30 days you will have 300 people looking at your business each month.

If you mail 20 postcards a day, in 30 days you will have 600 people looking at your business each month.

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.

What's the Right Market for Network Marketers?

The 3 M’s of marketing are message, market, and media.

Deliver the right MESSAGE to the right MARKET using the right MEDIA.

If you have the right message and you deliver that message to the wrong market, you will be unsuccessful most of the time, so this brings up a good point.

Who is the right market for a network marketing business?

1. Opportunity buyers
2. Opportunity seekers
3. Opportunity buyers and seekers combined

Opportunity buyers is a list of people who already buy money-making offers.

Opportunity seekers is a list of people who have inquired or responded to an advertisement about a money-making offer.

Opportunity buyers and seekers is a list that combines the two list is typically less money that a 100% opportunity buyers list.

For optimum results in network marketing, you should:

1. Focus on selling the product to your family and friends.

2. Focus on selling the business concept to opportunity buyers and seekers.

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.

How to Tell If You're a Hunter

The Secrets of Customer Attraction: How to Tell if You're a Hunter

Only the toughest of sales people have thick enough skins to endure the process of constant rejection.

Hunters see rejection as a necessary process they must go through in order to make a sale.

Hunters make the following statements about network marketing:

“Hey, this business is just a numbers game.”

“You have to approach 100 people to find 1 who will say yes.”

“Every no brings you closer to a yes.”

“Use the 3-foot rule and talk to anyone that comes within 3 feet of you.”

“Prospects are everywhere. Talk to everyone you meet.”

“You have to go a through a lot of duds to find a stud.”

“Call them until they buy or until they die.”

“You just drag ‘em and I’ll bag ‘em and tag ‘em.” “If it is to be, it’s up to me.”

“Just make a list of everybody you know.”

“Some will, some won’t, so what, someone else is waiting, next!”

If you say any of the above things, guess what? You’re a hunter!

If you are a hunter personality, you may love selling and the rejection that comes along with it, but the majority of people in your organization will not.

This is why hunting systems don’t work for the fishers. High rejection is not something most people want to duplicate.

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.

Hunters and Fishers

The Secrets of Customer Attraction: Hunters and Fishers

Many years ago, I wrote and published “The 7 Reasons 95% of Network Marketers Fail and How to Solve Them.”

Since then it has been read by thousands of people, so I wanted to share it with you.



There are two kinds of people in network marketing:

1. Hunters
2. Fishers

5% of network marketers are hunters.

95% of network marketers are fishers. THE HUNTERS

Hunters prefer the thrill of the “hunt” and approaching prospects first.

Hunters are the people with natural charismatic personalities; the extroverts, the sales pros, the dynamic people that others are magnetically attracted to.

Hunters are generally the most successful in MLM; the top 5%.

Hunters have great selling skills, speaking skills, leadership skills, and people skills, and that’s why they do so well with hunting techniques.

Hunters think that everyone else in MLM should think like a hunter too, and they seem unaware that most people in the world are not hunters.

For example, hunters see the task of writing down a list of family and friends and calling them about their MLM opportunity as an easy thing to do.

Making a list of family and friends is an old hunting method that has been used in the MLM industry for 50 years.

Hunters love to hunt, so making a list of family and friends, people they know, feels comfortable for them.

However, making a list of family and friends and calling them makes fishers feel very uncomfortable, because

fishers don't like to approach their family and friends, or anyone for that matter.

Hunters don’t really understand that 95% of the people in their organizations are fishers and need a different approach for building a successful network marketing business.
Many hunter personalities with whom I’ve shared this information now realize they need to promote a fishing system to help the 95% of people who struggle.


Fishers prefer a system where the prospects approach them first.

Fishers typically have reserved, quiet, shy personalities and are usually introverts, analytical, "nerds", and hate the idea of rejection.

Fishers love to sit in a boat and cast their fishing line into the water with an attractive bait to lure the fish.

The fisher is contented to just relax until the fish starts nibbling on the hook, chomps on the bait, and gets hooked.

After the fish is hooked on the bait, the only work for the fisher to do is reel in the fish.
Since 95% of the people in network marketing have a fisher personality, they prefer to have a system that attracts interested prospects to them first.

Once the prospect “bites the hook” (responds to an advertisement or does the approaching first), a fisher feels comfortable reeling the prospect through the rest of the selling process until the prospect has enough information to make a buying decision.


Most of the successful people at the top of network marketing companies are hunters.
They are the natural leaders and movers. They are good at what they do; however, it is difficult for 95% of the people to duplicate hunter characteristics, hunter personalities, and hunter skills.
Hunters have been working very hard to turn fishers into hunters for the past 50 years, only to find that 95% of the people quit or become inactive.

Hunting techniques are taught by the hunters in meetings, conference calls, webinars, training meetings, books, manuals, CD's, and DVD's, but the hunters don't see any problem with it.

It’s not a coincidence that 95% of the people in network marketing are fishers and traditionally there is a 95% failure rate in network marketing.

It’s the fishers who struggle the most. Fishers are the majority and they will try hunting methods for a short time before they quit.

A fisher will get started with hunting techniques if that is what they have been trained to do, but 30 to 90 days later into the process of using hunting skills, about 50% of the fishers have quit or by default have become customers of the product.
Isn’t it better to build and teach a system that the majority of people, the struggling 95%, can do successfully and not just the top 5%?

Fishers need a system that will attract and pull interested prospects through a series of steps until they make a decision to buy.


Hunters naturally use and teach systems that rely upon their personal sales ability.
Even if you’re a seasoned MLM pro, you can be sure that 95% of people in your organization will not be able to duplicate what you do.

Network Marketing is a business of duplication. Hunters need good fishing systems in place to help all of the fishers in their organizations have the right tools.

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.

How to Attract Customers

The Secrets of Customer Attraction: How To Attract Customers

Many years ago, before my customer attraction marketing days began, I tried my hand at an outbound telemarketing job.

I had a young family, and was in between jobs, so I gave it a try.

After smiling and dialing for about two hours, I was so fed up with it that once I had a break, I headed for the parking lot, got in my car, and never came back. Terrible, I know, but I really, really hated the whole idea of calling up people on the phone and talking to people who did not want to talk with me. I hated getting angry comments or hang ups. Nope. Not for me.

So, I promised myself that I would never do outbound telemarketing to people again. And being true to my word, I never have since then.

Since the 1980's, I have been involved in using customer attraction methods, where people come to me, instead of me approaching them first. If you are into cold calls, that's great. Go right ahead, but as for me, I prefer having people contact me first, with a high predisposition to buy before I talk with them. And better still, I like people buying what I'm selling without talking with them at all.

In order to have people call you, or contact you first, you have to have a valuable buying proposition, meaning something they really want.

That's what customer attraction is all about. That's all I use to get customers. I have shared customer attraction methods with thousands of business owners since 1989.

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.

The 3 M's of Marketing

The Secrets of Customer Attraction: The 3 M's of Marketing

Through one of my great marketing mentors, Dan Kennedy, I learned the following principles of marketing success:

The 3 M's of Marketing




He taught that you must get the right MESSAGE to the right MARKET using the right MEDIA.

This marketing knowledge helped to clarify what marketing to attract customers was all about, and he made it very easy to understand.

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.

Welcomed Guest or Uninvited Pest

The Secrets of Customer Attraction

The Secrets of Customer Attraction Blog will teach methods of customer attraction for your business, no matter product, service, information, or business opportunity venture you sell.

Would you rather be a welcomed guest or an uninvited pest?

If you are a welcomed, people are happy to hear from you and receive your offers, because they came to you in the first.

On the other hand, if you are an uninvited pest, people are not happy to see, because you are pestering them, trying to sell your business or offers.

Which method do you think benefits you and your potential customers best?

That's why, since the 1980's, I have stuck with the methods of attracting customers instead of being an uninvited pest.

This blog is dedicated to customer attraction, not customer chasing.

I hope you enjoy and find great value in what I share with you.

© Copyright 2017 Al Johnson
Al Johnson is a customer attraction coach for business owners, entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, and marketers since 1989.